Saturday, 23 February 2013

Match stick

I am a stick of match, maybe its a thing, which isn't something adorable, but it's more than anyone can ever thought. Frankly speaking being it isn't as simple and easy as it seems to be… I live in my own home which isn't mine either, I am not alone, I have got many sticks around me. They are next to me and we share every moment of our life together. But I am lonely… I was born to die, as all creatures, but my journey is too short, and life is poor also. Yes, everyone has its mission in this life and without any inkling, we are the one who are responsible to choose its destination, as I am a stick of match, sooner or later, I am going to leave my home, my imaginary world. Can you imagine how my life ends? Can you?
Your wish is creating a light, this desire makes you kill me, It’s so simple, you just take me, and the light comes to your life, you are gaining the light, I am losing it, losing it softly, as it happens during some seconds…
Some moments of light, some moments of dark. What to do? It's life, with its rules- That's the thing.
After it, everything is the same, no one remembers the moment of the light, when it passes, because it's the time to forget the dark you are going through.
I am a stick, magic stick,
Which gives you light,
 And leaves you quick…

Thursday, 14 February 2013


Время, уже время выйти
Тут очень темно, а солнце давно
Мечтает озарять путь твою, ну жди.
Ждать можно, но не надо
Забыть, что время очень хитрое создание.
Ты можешь пройти мимо нее и не заметить,
Тогда ты даже не сможешь виновников искать.
Вот так, приятель, ничего в жизни не просто,
И ждать твоего шанса, это глупо.
Ты должен сделать все сам,
Пока не поздно, иди бери свое
Иначе застукаешь себя без ничего.
Знай, я не имею виду ни денег, ни славу
Это, поверь вовсе не важно.
Важно чувствовать, что ты  не один,
Рядом они, твои любимые люди,
Они другой разговор, другая планета,
Все, что ты делаешь, делаешь для них,
Так что люби их, цени.
И даже время не может отнять их,
Так как они всегда будут жить в твоей душе,
Ведь это их любимое убежище .                

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Why?...If You can...

 Put your hand in mine ,
And sunlight will shine,
Be always faithful,
And life will be kind to you .
Life,what is life ?
It's whirlpool of feelings ,
Some of them are mine ,
And you know them.
Some of them are hidden

Alas some of them are half forgotten.
Because thick mist of your soul
Will forbid you to create a goal,
Because only you have right
To fix marsh into light.
Please ,believe me
And chase nonsense out.
Pass close by them
And forget about them
Can you explain to me ?
Why shake with fear
If you can  be near

Near to God ,near to love .      

Friday, 8 February 2013


It was very important day for her . She had to go abroad or to stay. She didn’t know…She was invited from foreign country to work and to live there.
There were excellent accommodations ,and it was very capable request for her. It wasn’t only usual journey, trip or cruise. It was a question of future…She didn’t know what to do ,to stay and  neglect  all opportunities or to go and to forget all, to create a new future for her. It was a fight between soul and mind .

The  harbour  was very crowded. The staff had to check her luggage and suddenly she noticed a souvenier  from ,,,from him. I can’t explain to you what was happening to her . All memories ,all wishes were swimming in the lake of her mind. It could be a crash ,real crash ,or irreparable crash of relations ,human relations . She couldn’t deny all ,she wasn’t  so self-confident. In any case it was her decision !
“Please ,help me ,dear God ,to make a right step, help me”-she was repeated  this words .
It was the departure time. ‘’But where ,where is your passport  Ms.?”said the security ,,,Excuse me  ,but we can’t let you come with us without your passport.
It was words ,words of freedom ,or –Yes ,of  freedom . She could stay . Why she had forgotten about her passport ? maybe it was a destiny ? –Yes, It was .
My advice to you . Choose your destination and be sure that it is the best decision ,the proper solution,,,